An Initial Study (IS) is a preliminary analysis which is prepared to determine the relative environmental impacts associated with a proposed project. It is designed as a measuring mechanism to determine if a project will have a significant adverse effect on the environment, thereby triggering the need to prepare a full environmental Impact Report (EIR). It also functions as an evidentiary document containing information which supports conclusions that the project will not have a significant environmental impact or that the impacts can be mitigated to a “Less Than Significant” or “No Impact” level. If there is no substantial evidence, in light of the whole record before the agency, that the project may have a significant effect on the environment, the lead agency shall prepare a Negative Declaration (ND). If the IS identifies potentially significant effects, but (1) revisions in the project plans or proposals would avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and (2) there is no substantial evidence, in light of the whole record before the agency, that the project as revised may have a significant effect on the environment, then a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) shall be prepared.
This Initial Study has been prepared consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15063, to determine if the proposed Miners Ranch Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project (project) may have a significant effect upon the environment. Based upon the findings and mitigation measures contained
South Feather Water and Power Agency’s 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) is prepared in accordance with the California Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) Guidebook to Assist Urban Water Suppliers to Prepare a 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (“Guidebook”) for the purpose of complying with requirements of the Urban Water Management Planning Act (UWMP Act) and the Water Conservation Bill of 2009. As recommended by DWR, this UWMP follows the general organization outlined in Part I of the Guidebook. It also includes the specific legislative requirements for each section (“Law”).
This draft EIS document documents the view of governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, affected Indian tribes, the public, the license applicant, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) staff. It contains staff evaluations on the applicant’s proposal and alternatives for relicensing the South Feather Power Project
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